Where We Are...
Christ the King Primary School: Schools NI App

Christ the King Primary School is now listed in the Schools NI App. Our main communication with parents will now be via the Schools NI App. All school messages will now be delivered through this service. Schools NI App allows you to view school updates and receive messages and private messages via your phone or tablet. The app is available on both Apple and Android devices, and will give you access to our school news, calendar events and letters.
Please download the App as you may be missing out on important information and messages from school. Make sure that you verify your access to private messages and allow the App to send you notifications. This will help us to keep you up to date with what is happening in CTK.
To install the app, open [School Website] on your phone or tablet and click the ‘Download App’ button that appears at the top of the screen. Alternatively click the following link https://schoolsni.app.link/g6dV8m5ei9 to download the app NOW.
Christ the King Primary School,
34 Gortin Road,
County Tyrone
BT79 7HX
Telephone: 028 82 247051
Fax: 028 82 251981