
There are a number of assessment and reporting procedures using by Christ the King PS to inform teaching and learning and to make parents aware of the progress of their child.
NILA (Northern Ireland Literacy Assessment) is a new computer-based assessment that is statutory for year 4 to 7 pupils across Northern Ireland that replaces InCAS. NILA assesses pupils' literacyskills in:
Before pupils complete their actual assessment, the children will be introduced to NILA using the pupil demo and practice assessment.
View the Practice Assessment Demo
This demo introduces pupils to NILA and the techniques they need to be aware of when completing this assessment. This demo also highlights to pupils the importance of practicing the techniques.
The practice assessment is a mini assessment that provides pupils with an opportunity to explore NILA individually, without logging in. The practice assessment can be accessed both in school and at home.
Teachers may also choose to complete the practice assessment as a classroom activity on an interactive white board, to read through the instructions and demonstrate the question types to pupils.
This demo recaps for pupils what they will be required to do when completing NILA. The demo reminds pupils of the techniques and icons they will have experienced in the practice assessment and prepares them for the ‘real’ assessment.
NINA (Northern Ireland Numeracy Assessment) is a new computer-based assessment that is statutory for year 4 to 7 pupils across Northern Ireland. NINA assesses pupils' numeracyskills across two strands:
Understanding and Using Number; and
Shape and Space, Measures and Handling Data.
Before pupils complete their actual assessment, the children will be introduced to NINA using the pupil demos and practice area. A few techniques within NINA require pupils to use the mouse and keyboard at the same time, for example tessellation; pupils will be guided through any difficulties before they commence their assessment.
View the Practice Assessment Demo
This demo introduces pupils to NINA and the techniques they need to be aware of when completing this assessment. This demo also highlights to pupils the importance of practising the techniques.
The practice area provides pupils with an opportunity to explore NINA individually, without logging in. The practice area can be accessed both in school and at home.
Teachers may also choose to complete the practice assessment as a classroom activity on an interactive white board, to read through the instructions and demonstrate the question types to pupils
This demo recaps for pupils what they will be required to do when completing NINA. The demo reminds pupils of the techniques and icons they will have experienced in the practice area and prepares them before taking the ‘real’ assessment.
Autumn Term Parent/Teacher Meeting
The Department of Education sets certain requirements for assessing children and reporting to parents (statutory arrangements). These requirements include the use of NINIA (Northern Ireland Numeracy Assessment) and NILA (Northern Ireland Literacy Assessment). If your child is in Primary 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7, they will complete these assessments in the Autumn term each year. The outcomes of these assessments are shared with parents during the Autumn term Parent/Teacher meeting.
Ongoing Assessment and the Annual Report
The school monitors your child's progress carefully through a range of assessment techniques and strategies throughout the school year. As parents, you will be kept fully informed of your child's progress.
The school will assess and report annually on your child's progress in:
Areas of Learning;
Cross-Curricular Skills; and
Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities.
End of Key Stage Assessment
If your child is in P4 or P7 (i.e. at the end of a Key Stage), you will receive the results of their ‘End of Key Stage Assessment' in Communication, Using Maths and Using ICT at the end of that school year.
The overall results for the school inform parents of the school's standards as presented within the ‘Annual Report of the Board of Governors'.
Click here to find out more about how your child is assessed.
ICT Accreditation Scheme
Christ the King PS voluntarily participates in the CCEA ICT Accreditation Scheme which aims to develop and enhance pupils' ICT skills and award them, at the end of each Key Stage (P4 and P7), with a certificate detailing their level of ICT competence.